Ever hear of Buzzword Bingo? I used to work with a guy named Bob. If there was a buzzword in our industry, Bob could drop it into a sentence like nobody's business. What's the latest way to say something? Bob would know. During conference calls when Bob was on the other line, we would occasionally... Continue Reading →
“Can an introvert become a leader?”
Unquestionably the answer is "Yes!" Last year CNN published an article entitled "Why introverts can be great leaders." It offers up some solid research that backs up the article title and is worth the read. I recently interviewed Jim Kouzes who is the co-author of classic leadership books such as The Leadership Challenge and Credibility... Continue Reading →
How to Report the Status of a Problem Project
"The project status is.... white." I sat with a former coaching client this morning to catch up with what's going on his world. He told me about a major project at his company that is about a year behind schedule. Yet when the top-level leader in his part of the organization reported up to the... Continue Reading →