In an earlier post I gave an overview of cognitive biases that can impact us as leaders and project managers. Here's a helpful infographic that summarizes 20 of those biases that we need to be aware of: For more information about these biases, see the Business Insider article here.
Ten Less-Considered Keys to Project Success
CIO Magazine published a summary of a recent survey regarding project success factors. The list has some of my personal favorites, including: Clear definition of success Clearly defined roles and responsibilities Process for managing scope changes, and Risk management Though I agree that "A Willingness to Make Unpopular Decisions" is relevant, I've found great success... Continue Reading →
"Ignorance keeps you perky"
Earlier this year Peggy Noonan wrote an article about President Obama's new term: "Every new president starts out fresh, in part because he doesn't know what he doesn't know. Ignorance keeps you perky."The months since have shown that running a government is more challenging than running a campaign. Though you and I are not seeking... Continue Reading →