In a recent conversation with a group of leaders around the world, a participant mentioned that her work is often seemingly taken for granted. She puts great effort into her projects only to deliver them to a... yawn. How can you shine more brightly in a workplace that seems oblivious? In a perfect world, our... Continue Reading →
Dealing with Differences
I'm struck by the contrast. I'm going through Dale Carnegie's classic book How to Win Friends and Influence People again. This morning I was reading Carnegie's advice regarding arguments. Bottom-line: you can't win them. If you lose the argument, you lose. If you win the argument, you lose because the other person walks away defeated and... Continue Reading →
Training the Darth Sidious Way
This week I facilitated leadership training with participants from across North America as well as Europe. Each day we had a different group of people join us in Chicago, which means someone from the U.K. would spend more time getting to and from the session than they would in the actual training itself.Every indication was... Continue Reading →