We’re entering that time of year when many of us rack our brains on what to give to people who have more than they need.
Truthfully. Do any of us really need more?
I can think of all kinds of things I’d like to get as presents this year, but need is a powerful word. Understanding need requires perspective, and perspective is easy to miss in a world that fills us with “You Need More Stuff!” 24 x 7.
Here’s some perspective that smacked me up side the head this year:
- Nearly 30,000 children die every day, most from hunger or preventable diseases.
- More than 1 billion children suffer a lack of proper nutrition, safe drinking water, decent sanitation facilities, health-care services, shelter, education and information.
Nothing against global warming, friends, but there are countless people who aren’t remotely worried about polar bears and ice caps a century from now. They’re trying to figure out how to eat today.
We talked about this recently as a family and came to the conclusion we’re not doing enough to help. Our kids came up with the idea to use their love of soccer as a platform to make a difference. Their idea: Kicking World Hunger! We’re talking about the biggest soccer juggle-a-thon in the world (that we know of)! Think “walk-a-thon” but only more fun and with a soccer ball!
Here’s how it works.
- Make a difference by raising money. Do you or your kids love soccer? Why not set a goal to juggle, say, a couple thousand times and raise money to help kick world hunger? Check out the website for more details on how to turn your love for soccer into help for those who are truly in need!
- Make a difference by giving. Instead of buying someone something they don’t need, make a donation to Kicking World Hunger! How about 5 ducks to a family for $30? Two chickens for $25? Tell someone that you gave a goat in their name for $75 and see how they react! Go to Kicking World Hunger to make your donation today.

As a “thank you” for everyone who makes a donation on the Kicking World Hunger site, I’ll send you a free electronic version of two of my books:
- How to Organize Your Inbox & Get Rid of E-Mail Clutter
- Shining the Light on The Secret
Give a gift and make a difference in this world. Sounds like something we need to do!
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