Every once in a while I like to share a tip about a tool that I love. For years I was a bit concerned about what would happen if my system crashed… How good are my backups? If you work for a reasonably sized company, your work systems are likely sufficiently backed up. But what about your home system?
My typical backup strategy was to an external hard drive at home or the office, but what if, for some reason, that drive failed, burned, or (more likely) I was not diligent in backing up to it?
For a couple years we used the online data backup system called: Data Deposit Box. I was very happy with their software and reliability. However, they started getting too expensive as our backup size got over 10GB.
We’ve now been using a product called Carbonite that is under $50 for a year (I was spending over $20/month) and there’s no limit to how much you backup from a single computer.
Click here to download a free 15-day trial subscription to Carbonite, and get an extra free month of service when you buy.
I love saving money and not being skimpy on what to backup. Back it all up for one price. That’s a tool I love!
What a drag. No Mac support!
Great find. Thanks for passing it on.